Your legal services course will provide you with the extra skills you need to knock down those more complicated tasks. If you’re already employed within the sector, the Diploma of Legal Services shows employees you take your job seriously. If not, it’s an excellent foot in the door for your new career.
- Any assistant’s position
A Certificate III in Business Admin (Legal) or a Certificate IV in Legal Services equips students with the skills they need to work in an assistant’s position. A Certificate III teaches the basics such as organising schedules and handling messages. A Certificate IV is better suited for someone eyeing an executive assistant position. Students cover law of torts, contract and evidence law, and how to handle more complicated tasks.
- Welfare officer
Those who work in this job can find it demanding and confronting both emotionally and mentally. Your legal services course includes a unit in nurturing relationships, and that’s a vital skill. When you work in the welfare sector, you’ll meet people who’ve been dealt the worst cards in life. This includes victims of various types of abuse and refugees.
Some welfare officers work in school counselling departments offering advice and support to students going through a difficult time. They can refer students and families to other, more specialised, professional services as needed.
- Paralegal
In this position, you’re one step away from becoming a lawyer if that’s your aim. Paralegals are executive assistants to lawyers and they’re permitted to conduct in-depth research, organise evidence displays for court, and even interview clients. They can’t, however, offer advice because they aren’t licensed.
- Office clerk
Office clerks are invaluable members of the barrister’s chambers. It’s another name for administration assistants, but small chambers might only have one or two admin staff. Barristers often get their cases from solicitors when a case requires further legal action, particularly when court appearances are involved. Office clerks handle tasks that other assistants in a large office normally wouldn’t. They have complete control of their barrister’s diary and handle the fees charged to clients.
- Court clerk
This job puts you in another place ‘where the action happens’: the courts. You won’t go straight to transcribing cases after finishing your legal services course, though. You have to ‘pay your dues’. Court officers serve papers, assist the judges in chambers, and administer tasks associated with the jury. Work as a court officer suits those wanting more fast-paced, challenging work in the legal sector.
Whatever job in legal you want, completing a legal services course is the next step in getting it. Give it a year, get some advice from Melissa (she has legal recruitment experience), and start looking for a work placement or work experience. Law is competitive, so you have to show your stuff.