Dennisey Raston completes Diploma of Legal Services

Dennisey Raston enrolled in the Diploma of Legal Services on the 11 December 2020 and was awarded successful completion of this qualification on 8 December 2021.

Upon course completion, we asked Dennisey is she would provide us with some feedback on having completed her studies through Melissa Mahoney Legal College. This is what Dennisey had to say:

Melissa was amazing to work with. I am thankful that I chose to do my Diploma through her Legal College as the experience, feedback and help she provided me with was phenomenal.

My expectations when finishing this Diploma was to try to strengthen my chances of landing a job in the legal industry and start my dream career as a conveyancer. Within 2 months of starting this Diploma I was able to start my career as a junior legal assistant. 5 months later I have then progressed to a trainee conveyancing paralegal and now 12 months in I’m now doing conveyancing full time. To think my intention was to just start in the legal industry AFTER completing my Diploma but here I am now working with so much experience.

I am so thankful to Melissa as this would not have happened without her. She not only provided me with support through my studies but also provided me with the opportunity that got me in the legal industry and I am so grateful. She is so personal with everything she does you really do gain such a connection with Melissa.

I hope one day that I work alongside Melissa because this experience has been incredible.

Thank you so much for your feedback Dennisey and congratulations again on your wonderful achievement.

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