You should care about the Cert 3 Guarantee

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The Cert 3 Guarantee is an important term for anyone just finishing high school or going on to further study. Why? Well, we’ll explain a little further below.

Melissa Mahoney Legal College is an RTO, or registered training organisation. Which means that we offer nationally recognised training to the students who enrol with us. But sometimes, not everyone can afford to pay the full tuition outright. That’s when the Cert 3 Guarantee comes in. Depending on set rules, the guarantee subsidises part of the costs of taking a Certificate 3 course.


The Cert 3 Guarantee exists to help students receive their first entry-level VET qualification. But that doesn’t mean it’s available to everyone, or that they will even get the same level of subsidy. You’re eligible for the subsidies if you:

  • Are over 15 years old
  • Are a Queensland resident
  • Don’t already have a Certificate III award or higher


So how is it decided that others will receive more financial support? It depends on their industry. This quote is on the Queensland Government’s website:

Training in vocational areas that align with important economic and industry skills needs will receive a higher government subsidy.

Department of Education and Training, 2017


What does this mean for eligibility? Well, if you’re enrolled in a course that helps the economy and the industry, you’ll get more financial help. The industries include:

  • Arts and entertainment
  • Engineering
  • Community services
  • Hospitality
  • Education

And many more. The full list is available here. People with disabilities and those who live in remote areas also receive more funding.


Students will be out-of-pocket depending on their circumstances, paying for the rest of the course through co-contribution fees. This depends on their status (non-concession, taking lower level training) and what type of course they’re doing. Sometimes their employer picks up the rest, but it’s not guaranteed.


The Cert 3 Guarantee exists so that people can get into the workforce. You can only apply and receive the Guarantee once so authorities like the Department of Education advise you to choose wisely. When you finish your program, you’ll have the skills to enter the workforce and make your way up the career ladder.


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